Easily check which 800 number has called you and find out who it is. See if it's a real company, creditor, or a telemarketer that you should block.

Free 800 Number Lookup, Robocall 800 Numbers, Search 800 & 888 Robocall Numbers, Find Toll Free Numbers

Have you been called by an 800 number that you don’t recognize?  800Numbers.net is meant to be a completely free database and search of 800 numbers, so that you know who is calling you.

We offer a variety of ways to learn which number has called you, the most common being:

  • Our main search bar found at the top of this page, just enter the number you want to check and see if we have more information
  • The directory page, where you can search a categorized list of numbers
  • Our ‘Most Popular 800 Numbers’ list, the most common telemarketers

You can also check our blog post about the Top 6 Tips To Spotting Bad 800 Numbers, so that you have an idea who’s calling you without having to look that number up online.

In addition, we suggest that you read our post about How To Block 800 Numbers and Add Your Phone Number To A Do Not Call List for more information on how to protect yourself against unwanted dialers.

We hope our website helps you, and are always open to improvements.  Please contact us to suggest things we can add to help, and visit our Submit 800 Numbers page to add an unwanted number to warn other people.  Thank you for visiting!